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Clark Construction was beginning the process of developing the North Terry Pines Living and Learning Center (NTPLL) for the University of California San Diego. The area being developed happened to be near science and research buildings sensitive to noise and vibration, as well as housing structures. The Clark Construction and the University wished to ensure that the construction activities would not be disruptive to daily, and nightly, activities conducted in the nearby science and housing buildings.

Initial vibration and noise measurements were taken to determine the existing ambient noise and vibration levels at each location. The initial measurements were used as a baseline to compare to the levels during construction. After construction was started, several vibration and noise monitoring devices were placed at the sensitive buildings for real-time monitoring. Alert thresholds were set for each area, and notices are emailed when the thresholds are exceeded. At the end of each month, all the data collected is compiled into a report and presented to the client.